Latin Alphabet

  • The Latin Alphabet is the same as the English Alphabet, except that it had only 21 letters. ‘J’, ‘U’ and ‘W’ are missing and ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ were added later. ‘V’ was used for both ‘V’ and ‘U’.
  • The Latin Alphabet was based on the Etruscan and Greek Alphabet, and was used to write the Latin Language.


  • ‘Scriptura Monumentalis’
    • was the script used for Inscriptions and was written in capitals.
  • ‘Scriptura Actuaria’
    • was the script used for writing public notices.
  • ‘Cursive Writing’
    • was the informal joined-up writing used in everyday correspondence.
    • ‘Old Roman Cursive’ was used between the first century BCE and third century CE.
    • ‘New Roman Cursive’ was used from the third century CE to the seventh century CE.
  • ‘Times New Roman’
    • was a script invented in 1931 for the Times Newspaper, and has nothing to do with the Roman Period.

The English Alphabet

  • The 26 letters of the English Alphabet are all derived from the Roman Alphabet, with the addition of the letters ‘J’, ‘U’ and ‘W’.
  • The characters are Roman square capitals.

Roman Numerals


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