
  • Legio: (Legion)
    • The Legion consisted of 10 Cohorts.
    • The 10 Cohorts had 4,800 men, (excluding officers)
    • Plus one Cavalry Unit of 120 men.
    • It was commanded by a Legatus Legionis or a Legatus Augusti pro praetor.

Legionary Structure

  • Legio: (Legion)
    • 10 Cohorts of 4,800 men, (excluding officers) plus one Cavalry Unit of 120 men. Commanded by a Legatus Legionis or a Legatus Augusti pro praetor.
  • Cohors: (Cohort)
    • 6 Centuries of 480 men (excluding officers) commanded by a senior Centurion.
  • Centuria: (Century)
    • 10 Contubernium of 80-100 men commanded by the Centurion.
  • Contubernium: (Tent group)
  • Vexillatio: Varied from 80 to 1,000 men.
    • This was a temporary unit, but consisting of a formally constituted Force, taken from the Legion.
    • it was commanded either by a military Tribune or a senior Centurion.

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