Legio I Armeniaca

  • The Legio I Armeniaca was a Late Empire Legion probably created for Julian's War with Parthia in 363 CE, along with the Legio II Armeniaca.
  • Very little is known about this Legion except that it was mentioned 40 years later in the Notitia Dignitatum (c.400 CE).

Regimental Details

  • Creation Date:
  • Reason for creation
    • Not Known, but possibly by Julian for the Parthian War.
  • Dates:
    • c.363-c.400 CE.
  • Fortress Bases:
    • Not Known
  • Titles:
  • Emblems:
    • Not Known
  • Notable Commanders:
    • Not Known
  • Structure of the Legion:


  • Early Campaigns:

Posting in Armenia (c.363-c.400 CE)




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