Legio I Germanica

Regimental Details

  • Creation:
    • c. 48 BCE Levied by Julius Caesar. Also known as the ‘Legio I Augusta’.
  • Dates: c.48 BCE-70 CE.
  • Fortress Bases:
    • Cantabrica (25-16 BCE)
    • Cologne (Oppidum Ubiorum) (9-c.28 CE)
    • Bonn (Bonna) (c. 28-70 CE)
  • Title:
    • Meaning ‘First Legion Germanica’ (for distinguished service in Germany).
    • Also called ‘Legio I Augusta’.
  • Emblems:
    • The Bull, possibly.
  • Notable Commanders:
  • Structure of the Legion:


Early Campaigns:

Posting in Germania Inferior (9-70 CE)




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