Legio II Traiana Fortis

  • The Legio II Traiana Fortis was founded by Trajan in 105 CE.
  • It was based in Nicopolis, Alexandria in Egypt between 125-c.400 CE.

Regimental Details

  • Creation Date:
  • Reason for creation
  • Dates: 105-c.400 CE
  • Fortress Bases:
    • Nicopolis, Alexandria, Egypt (125-c.400 CE)
    • Apollonopolis Magna or Edfu (Idfu, today) (c.400 CE)
  • Title:
    • ‘Traiana Fortis’ meaning ‘Trajan’s Second Valiant Legion’.
    • ‘Fortis’ (valiant) was awarded after remaining calm during a siege of Alexandria by rebels in 166 CE.
    • ‘Germanica’ received for a campaign on the Rhine under Caracalla.
  • Emblems:
    • An image of Hercules.
  • Notable Commanders:
  • Structure of the Legion:


  • Early Campaigns:
  • Second Dacian War (105-106 CE)
    • Decebalus, King of the Dacians, broke the Treaty he had previously signed with Trajan and attacked the Roman Garrisons in Dacia, reigniting the Dacian Wars.
    • 106 CE The Legion must have fought at the The Battle of Sarmisegetusa. Trajan reinvaded Dacia, besieged the Capital and burnt it, later rebuilding a new Capital 25 miles (40km) away. He then confiscated the Dacian treasure of Gold and Silver, according to Cassius Dio. Decebalus fled and committed suicide.
  • After 106 CE the Legion either campaigned in Arabia Petraea or was sent to the Danube.
  • 115-117 CE Campaigned in Trajan's Parthian War (115-116 CE).
  • 117-125 CE Based in Judea.

Posting in Egypt (125-c.400 CE)

  • Avidius Cassius, Governor of Syria
  • c. 166 CE Both Legions were besieged in Alexandria by a revolt that had started in southern Egypt. They were rescued when the Governor of Syria, Avidius Cassius, brought the Syrian Legions to Egypt. Avidius Cassius now effedctively ruled the East. He had been appointed by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who was now campaigning in the Marcomannic Wars. The Emperor’s wife sent Cassius a dispatch to say Marcus Aurelius had died in battle. Avidius Cassius prematurely declared himself Emperor. When both Legions discovered Marcus Aurelius was still alive, they decapitated Avidius Cassius, and sent his head to the Emperor. Both Legions were rewarded by being allowed to remain in Egypt and continue as before.


  • Mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum c.400 CE as being based in Egypt at Apollonopolis Magna formerly known as Edfu (Idfu, Egypt).


Nicopolis, Alexandria

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