Legio III Augusta

  • The Legio III Augusta was founded in 43 BCE during the Roman Civil Wars of 49-30 BCE.
  • It was based in the Province of Africa Proconsularis between 30 BCE-439 CE.

Regimental Details

  • Creation:
    • 43 BCE Levied probably by Gaius Vibius Pansa Caetronianus. Originally a Legion of Italian soldiers but later the majority were either Punic and Libyan. The Legion experienced Decimation in 20 CE during the Tacfarinas Rebellion.
  • Dates:
    • 43 BCE-439 CE
  • Fortress Bases:
    • Ammaedara (Haidra) in the centre of the Tunisian Plateau (30 BCE).
    • Theveste (Tebessa) (75-128 CE)
    • Lambaesis. (128-439 CE)
      • units seemed to have been placed in other North African Provinces.
    • Mauretania Tingitana (75-120 CE)
  • Title:
    • ‘Third Augustan Legion’
    • 93 CE ‘Pia Vindex’ meaning ‘Loyal Avenger’ awarded by Septimius Severus for not joining Prescennius Niger’s bid for power.
    • 253 CE ‘Iterum Pia Iterum Vindex’ meaning ‘Again faithful, again avenger’ awarded by Valerian when he reconstituted the Legion, after its disbandment in 238 CE.
  • Emblems:
    • Pegasus (not confirmed)
  • Notable Commanders:
    • The only Legion to be commanded by a Senator, the Proconsul of Africa, during the Empire until Caligula changed this to an Imperial appointment.
  • Veterans of the Legion:
    • Timgad (Ruins, Algeria)
    • The town was founded by Trajan c.100 CE for the veterans of the Legion.
  • Structure of the Legion:


Early Campaigns:

  • 42 BCE Battle of Phillipi, possibly.
  • Also possibly fought under Octavian and Lepidus against Sextus Pompeius over the control of Sicily, and later under Octavian against Lepidus, who was Governor of Africa.
  • It is possible the Legion then went to Africa to replace Lepidus’ army.

Posting in Africa (30 BCE-439 CE)

  • The Legion was sent to protect the African Grain Fleet which supplied Rome with grain for 8 months and to prevent the Berber Tribes from Rebelling.
  • 30 BCE-439 CE Between these dates the Legion was always based in Africa although the Bases varied. Legionary numbers were between 5-6,000 Legionaries and 10-15,000 Auxiliaries.
  • 30 BCE The Legion was based in Ammaedara (Haidra) in the centre of the Tunisian Plateau.
  • 75-128 BCE the Legion moved to Theveste (Tebessa).
  • 128-439 CE the Legion moved to Lambaesis where it remained. Some units seemed to have been placed in other North African Provinces.

Tacfarinas’ Rebellion (14-24 CE)

  • 14-15 to 24 CE Engaged in the ten year Tacfarinas Rebellion.
  • 20 CE The Consul, Lucius Apronius, gave the order for Decimation of a Cohort of the Legio III Augusta, after being defeated by Tacfarinas according to Tacitus.
  • The Legion was finally forced to change its tactics in order to deal with Tacfarinas‘ guerrilla warfare.

Posting in Mauretania Tingitana (75-120 CE)

  • 75-120 CE Half the Legion and its Auxiliaries were based in Mauretania Tingitana until 120 CE when they were reunited in the Fortress of Lambaesis.

Legion given responsibility for Tripolitania and Numidia (194 CE)

Crisis of the Third Century (235-284 CE)

Battle of Carthage (238 CE)

  • 12 April 238 CE The Legion crushed the self proclaimed African Emperors, Gordian I and Gordian II at the Battle of Carthage.
  • Gordian II was killed in battle and his father, Gordian I, committed suicide.

Disbandment (238-252 CE)

  • 238-252 CE The Legion was disbanded for this act.

Reconstitution (252 CE)

  • 252-260 CE It was re-formed under Valerian to deal with the Revolt of the Quinquagentiani – the ‘Five Peoples’ – a powerful Berber alliance, in a war which lasted for nine years.
  • 289-297 CE Campaigned against another Berber Revolt.
  • 235-284 CE Diocletian was closely involved with the Legion, either in Campaigns or building Projects.

Engineering Works

  • Lambaesis Aqueduct:
    • This was constructed in only 8 months, with a length of 24 miles (39 km).
  • Limes Tripolitanus:
  • There were numerous other construction projects completed by the Legion.


  • In 439 CE Gaiseric the Vandal captured Carthage and the Province of Africa, ending Roman Rule there.



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