Legio III Gallica

  • The Legio III Gallica was founded by Julius Caesar in c.49 BCE.
  • It was based in Syria between 31 BCE and 198 CE.

Regimental Details

  • Creation Date:
  • Reason for creation
    • To campaign in the Civil War against Pompey.
  • Dates:
    • c.49 BCE-323 CE.
  • Fortress Bases:
    • Raphanae Syria (31BCE-69 CE) (possibly) and
    • Syene, (Aswan, Egypt)
  • Title:
    • Meaning the ‘Third Gallic Legion’.
  • Emblems:
    • The Bull
  • Notable Commanders:
  • Structure of the Legion:


Early Campaigns:

Posting in Syria (31 BCE-69 CE)

  • Sent to Syria, possibly based at Raphanae.

Posting in Moesia Inferior (69 CE)

  • Oescus, Moesia Inferior.
  • 69 CE During the Year of the Four Emperors, the legion supported Vespasian.
  • They outwitted Vitellius‘ army at the Battle of Cremona and sacked the city. They were briefly based at Capua, Italy, before returned to Syria.

Posting in Syria (70-c.198 CE)


  • 323 CE This is the last mention of the Legion, referring to a unit based at Syene (Aswan, Egypt).
  • It is not mentioned in the Notitia Dignitatum (c. 400). Therefore we do not know whether it was Destroyed or Disbanded.


Raphanae, Umm Qais, Jordan

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