Legio IX Hispana

  • The Legio IX Hispana was founded by Julius Caesar in 58 BCE.
  • It was based in York between 71-c.120 CE. Its disappearance has been the subject of several books and films.

Regimental Details

  • Creation Date:
    • 58 BCE by Julius Caesar, but more probably raised earlier in 65 BCE by Pompey, as its name was originally ‘Legio IX Hispaniensis’.
  • Reason for creation
  • Dates:
    • 58 BCE-c.120 CE.
  • Fortress Bases:
  • Title:
    • Originally named Legio IX Hispaniensis’ meaning ‘Ninth Legion Stationed in Spain’ later abbreviated to Hispana.
  • Emblems:
    • The Eagle
  • Notable Commanders:
  • Structure of the Legion:


  • Early Campaigns:
    • 61 BCE Probably campaigned under Julius Caesar in his war against the Lusitani.

Campaigned in the Gallic Wars (58-51 BCE)

Campaigned in the Great Roman Civil War (49-45 BCE)

Campaigned under Octavian (42-31 BCE)

Posting in Pannonia (9-43 CE)

  • 9 CE Relocated to Pannonia.
  • 14-43 CE Based at Siscia (Sisak)
  • 21-23 CE The whole Legion and its Auxiliaries was sent to Africa to assist in the Campaign against Tacfarinas.
  • 23 CE Returned to Pannonia.

Roman Conquest of Britannia (43 CE)

Posting in Britannia (43-c.120 CE)

  • 60-61 CE During Boudicca's Revolt they were ambushed and massacred, and had to be reinforced later by units from Germany. Only the Cavalry and the Legate Quintus Petilius Cerealis escaped, to join the Governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus.
  • c.71 CE They built and moved into the Legionary Fortress at Eboracum, York.
  • 108 CE Last known testimony of the Legion’s existence.
  • 117-120 CE The Ninth disappears from the record and is replaced at York by the Legio VI Victrix.


  • c.117-120 CE The Ninth was either Lost or Disbanded.
  • 118-122 CE Falco was Governor of Britannia and in 118 CE he successfully suppressed an uprising of the northern Brigantes and the Scottish Selgovae, which may also have involved foreign sea invaders. Many British coastal cities were burnt, and the Ninth may have been lost during this war.
  • Another theory is that the Ninth may be the Legion that was annihilated during Bar Kokhba's Revolt in Judaea between 132-5 CE.

Books and Films

  • The disappearance or Disbandment of the Ninth Legion has been speculated on in several Books and Films:
  • Books:
    • The Eagle of the Ninth (1954) by Rosemary Sutcliff.
    • The Last Legion (L’Ultima Legione) (2002) by Valerio Massimo Manfredi.
  • DVD:



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