Legio V Jovia

  • The Legio V Jovia was founded by Diocletian between 284-305 CE.
  • It was based at Bononia in Pannonia Secunda between c.284-c.400 CE. Very little is known about this Legion.

Regimental Details

  • Creation Date:
  • Reason for creation
    • To defend the Imperor’s Residence in the City of Sirmium along with the newly created Legio VI Herculia.
    • This was  one of the four Capital Cities of the Tetrarchy, the Capital of the former Province of Pannonia Inferior now renamed Pannonia Secunda.
  • Dates:
    • c.284-c.400 CE.
  • Fortress Bases:
    • Bononia (Banostor, Serbia) The main Legionary Base.
    • Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia)
    • Castellum Onagrinum (Begec, Serbia) A Fort defending a Pontoon Bridge over the River Danube.
  • Titles:
    • ‘Jovia’ meaning ‘Fifth Legion devoted to Jupiter’. It was named after Diocletian who referred to himself as ‘Jovianus’ (Similar to Jupiter).
  • Emblems:
  • Notable Commanders:
  • Structure of the Legion:

Posting in Pannonia Secunda, formerly Pannonia Inferior (c.284-c.400 CE)

  • Bononia (Banostor, Serbia) was the Main Legionary Base on the River Danube guarding a River Crossing. It was previously occupied by an Auxiliary Unit of the Cohors Alpinorum.
  • Sirmium (Sremska Mitrovica, Serbia) To protect Diocletian‘s Palace in Sirmium, presumably forming the Imperial Palace Guard, along with the Legio VI Herculia.
  • Castellum Onagrinum (Begec, Serbia) A small Fort defending a Pontoon Bridge over the River Danube.


  • Recorded by the Notitia Dignitatum (c.400 CE) as still being present at Castellum Onagrinum (Begec, Serbia), after which the Legion’s Fate is unknown.


Bononia, Banostor, Serbia

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