Legio VI Ferrata

Regimental Details


Early Campaigns:

  • 58-50 BCE Campaigned in the Gallic Wars.
  • 48 BCE Battle of Pharsalus.
  • Campaigned in Egypt under Julius Caesar and was besieged in Alexandria and suffered severe losses.
  • 48-7 BCE Campaigned in Pontus under Julius Caesar and won the Battle of Zela.
  • 46 BCE Taken by Scipio to Africa to fight Julius Caesar, the Legion deserted Scipio and went to fight for Julius Caesar instead.
  • 45 March 17 BCE The Legion campaigned at the Battle of Munda, after which it was disbanded and formed the colony at Arelate (Arles).
  • 44 BCE Reformed by Lepidus, and campaigned under Mark Anthony against Cassius and Brutus, and was present at the Battle of Philippi in 42 BCE.
  • 41 BCE The veterans were retired to Beneventum (Benevento, Campania, Italy).

Posting in Judaea (41-31 BCE)

Posting in Syria (30 BCE-106 CE)

Posting in Arabia Petraea (106-135 CE)

Return to Judaea (132-215 CE)

  • 132-5 CE The Legion campaigned in Judaea during Bar Kokhba's Revolt.
  • 135-c. 215 CE This resulted in the Legio VI Ferrata being moved from Arabia Petrae, and permanently stationed at Caesarea Maritima and Caparcotna, Galilee (The ruined village of Lejjun today, named after ‘Legio’).
  • Caparcotna was on the Via Maris connecting Syria with Egypt and controlled the Megiddo Pass in the Carmel Mountains, leading into the Jezreel Vally. It is the site of many ancient Battles. Megiddo is the Biblical Armageddon.

Posting in Africa Proconsularis (138-150 CE)

Back to Judaea (150-c.215 CE)

  • 162-5 CE Lucius Verus sent the Legion to campaign in the Parthian Wars during which the Capital Ctesiphon was captured.

Year of the Six Emperors (193 CE)


  • The Legion is referred to in 215 CE as still being based in Judaea.
  • The Legion is last referred to during the reign of Philip the Arab (244-9 CE),
  • Although nothing is known of its fate subsequently, it may have been lost during the Parthian defeat of Valerian in 260 CE, when he was taken prisoner.
  • It is recorded that Roman Soldiers, who had been captured after Valerian‘s defeat, built a bridge at Shushtar and at Bishapur. They built the City, its Palace and the Temple of Anahita. It is thought these Roman soldiers may have been from the lost Legio VI Ferrata.


Caesarea Maritima, Israel

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