Legio VI Victrix

  • The Legio VI Victrix was founded by Octavian in 41 BCE.
  • It was based at York in Britannia between c.119-c.408 CE.

Regimental Details


Posting in Britannia (c.119-c.408 CE)

Construction of Hadrian's Wall (122-128 CE)

Construction of the Antonine Wall (139-142 CE)

Revolt of Clodius Albinus (195 CE)

Septimius Severus' Caledonian Campaign (208-211 CE)

Carausian Revolt (287-293 CE)


  • In 407-8 CE, Constantine III declared himself Emperor and took the two British Legions,the Legio XX Valeria Victrix and the Legio VI Victrix, to Trier in order to campaign in Gaul against the Germanic invasions.
  • When the Emperor Honorius had Constantine III executed in 411 CE, the Legions were never returned to Britannia.
  • In 409 CE A unit still appears to be at York, and may have sent the request for help against continuing invasions to Honorius, producing the negative response known as the Rescript of Honorius.
  • There is no further record after this date.



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