Legio X Fretensis

  • The Legio X Fretensis was founded by Octavian in c.41 BCE.
  • It was based in Jerusalem in Judaea between 70-295 CE.

Regimental Details

  • Creation Date:
  • Reason for Creation:
    • To Campaign against Sextus Pompeius’ occupation of Sicily, during the Sicilian Revolt.
  • Dates:
    • 41-40 BCE-c.400 CE.
  • Fortress Bases:
  • Title:
    • ‘Fretensis’ meaning ‘The Tenth Legion of the Sea Straits’ur, because during the Campaign in Sicily, it had guarded the Strait of Messina.
  • Emblems:
    • Multiple Symbols: The Boar, the Pig, the Bull (Taurus), a Warship, a Dolphin, an image of Neptune.
  • Notable Commanders:
    • Marcus Ulpius Traianus, (Trajan‘s Father).
  • Structure of the Legion:


Early Campaigns:

  • Campaigned against Sextius Pompeius, the Governor of Africa Proconsularis who had invaded in Sicily.
  • Involved in the Civil Wars culminating in the Battle of Actium 31 BCE.
  • After this Battle many soldiers were retired and colonised various towns, including Patras.
  • Campaigned in the Balkans.

Posting in Syria (c.6-67 CE)

  • 4 BCE The Legion led by Varus, was possibly involved in suppressing the Revolt in Judea after King Herod died.
  • By 6 CE The Legion had definitely moved to Syria. It was involved in suppressing another Revolt in Judaea caused by the Roman Annexation of Judaea as a Province and a Census of its Population. It campaigned with three other Legions, Legio III Gallica, Legio VI Ferrata and Legio XII Fulminata, under the Governor of Syria, Quirinus.
  • 18 CE It was based at Cyrrhus, Syria
  • 58-9 CE Campaigned in Armenia under Corbulo, with the Legio III Gallica, Legio VI Ferrata and captured the Capital Artaxata (Yerevan) and Tigranocerta, installing a Roman Client King, Tigranes. The Parthians then replaced him with their own client king, Tiridates.
  • 62-3 CE The Governor of Cappadocia, Paetus, used the Tenth and Legio XII Fulminata to campaign against the Persians. However, they suffered a humiliating defeat.

First Jewish-Roman War (66-73 CE)

  • 67 CE The Tenth campaigned in Judaea under Trajanus, but the overall Commander was Vespasian.
  • 67-8 CE Based at Caesarea Maritima with the Legio V Macedonica
  • 68 CE Moved its base to Scythopolis (Beth-Shean).
  • 70 CE Successfully ended the Revolt with the Siege of Jerusalem.
  • 72-3 CE The Legion was used to conquer the Fortress of Masada, ending all resistance to Rome.

Posting in Judaea (70-c.295 CE)

  • 70 CE The Legion was now based permanently in Jerusalem.
  • The Legion operated naval units on the River Jordan and the Sea of Galilee.
  • 113-117 CE Campaigned in Parthia under Trajan.
  • 115-117 CE The Kitos War. Lusius Quietus (Kitos), was the Roman General entrusted with conquering all the Rebellions in all the Provinces. He used the Legion to besiege and conquer the Rebels in Lydda (Lod) in Judea.
  • 132-135 CE Campaigned during Bar Kokhba's Revolt. This Revolt resulted in the Legio VI Ferrata being brought in from Arabia Petrae, and permanently stationed at Caesarea Maritima and Caparcotna, Galilee (Lejjun today, named after ‘Legio’).
  • 166-180 CE A unit from the Legion campaigned under Marcus Aurelius in the Marcomannic Wars.
  • 193 CE During Year of the Six Emperors, after Pertinax was assassinated, the Legion supported Niger against Septimius Severus. However, the Legio VI Ferrata supported Septimius Severus, and it is possible that the two Legions fought each other.
  • 260-274 CE A Unit served under the Gallic Empire.

Posting in Arabia Petraea (c.295-c.400 CE)



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