Legio XVII

Regimental Details


Early Campaigns:

Posting in Germania Inferior (c.15 BCE-9 CE)

  • c. 15 BCE moved to Germania Inferior, possibly Castra Vetera at Xanten.
  • 15-13 BCE Drusus campaigned against the Germanic Tribes.
  • 8 BCE Tiberius Campaigns against King Maroboduus of the Marcomanni in Czechia.
  • 4-5 CE Tiberius Campaigns against the Germanic Tribes and completes the conquest as far as the Elbe.
  • 5 CE Publius Quintilius Varus became Governor of the newly conquered Germania.
  • 9 CE Arminius, leader of the Cherusci, who had been a loyal ally to Rome, plotted against Varus and led him into a trap at the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. All three Legions, the XVII, XVIII and XIX, were destroyed in this Battle.
  • 16-18 CE Germanicus sent an expedition to the battlefield who successfully recovered the Standards of the Legion.

Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9CE)

  • The Battle of Teutoburg Forest was a Battle fought in Germany in 9 CE, by Varus, the Governor of Germania, against an alliance of Germanic Tribes under Arminius.
  • Varus’ three Legions were destroyed in one of the worst defeats of the Roman Army.


  • Very little is known about the Legio XVII as there is very little written record or inscriptions remaining today.
  • It was lost in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest along with the Legio XVIII and Legio XIX The Legionary Numbers XVII and XIX were never used again.


Castra Vetera, Xanten, Germania

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