Legio XX Valeria Victrix

  • The Legio XX Valeria Victrix was founded by Octavian in c.31 BCE.
  • It was based in Chester in Britannia between 88-c.408 CE.

Regimental Details


Early Campaigns:

Posting in Germania Inferior (9-43 CE)

Posting in Britannia (43-c.408 CE)

Roman Conquest of Britannia (43 CE)

Boudicca's Revolt (60 CE)

Carausian Revolt (287-293 CE)

  • 287-290 CE Carausius proclaimed himself Emperor of Britannia and Gaul.
  • 290-293 CE he was replaced by Allectus.
  • 293 CEConstantius I Chlorus invaded Britain and defeated Allectus. The 3 Legions were returned to their Bases with the exception of Legio II Augusta which dismantled its Base and disappeared from the record.


  • In 407-8 CE Constantine III declared himself Emperor and took the Legio XX Valeria Victrix and the Legio VI Victrix to Trier to campaign against the Germanic invasions in Gaul.
  • The western Emperor Honorius had him executed in 411 CE and the Legions never returned.


Chester, Britain

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