Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix

  • The Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix was founded by Trajan in c.100 CE.
  • It was based in Xanten between 122-c.407 CE.

Regimental Details

  • Creation Date:
    • 100 or 105 CE Levied by Trajan.
  • Reason for creation
  • Dates:
    • c.100-c.407 CE.
  • Fortress Bases:
  • Title:
    • ‘Legio XXX Ulpia Victrix’
      • meaning ‘Thirtieth Victorious Legion of Ulpia’ (Ulpia was Trajan’s family name) The Title was awarded for victories during the Dacian Wars.
    • ‘Pia Fidelis’
  • Emblems:
    • Neptune, Jupiter and and the Capricorn.
  • Notable Commanders:
  • Structure of the Legion:


Early Campaigns:

Posting in Pannonia Superior (c.114-122 CE)

Posting in Germania Inferior (122-c.407 CE)


  • The Legion is no longer recorded by c.400 CE. Its Fate is unknown.


Castra Vetera, Xanten, Germany

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