
  • Leon is a cathedral city located on the river Bernesga and capital of the Province of Leon in the Autonomous Community of Castilla y Leon.
  • It was the Fortress city of ‘Legio’ located in the Province of Hispania Tarraconensis. The Legionary Fortress then became the city of Leon.


  • A Roman Legion was always based here for the duration of the Roman Empire.
  • Although there was no Frontier to defend, the Legion’s main task was to oversee the production of Gold from the nearby Las Medulas Gold Mine and its transport to the Mediterranean.

Legions based here

Roman Sites

  • Leon Roman Walls
    • Located near the Cathedral between Los Ponces Tower-Castillo Gate-San Isidoro Tower.


  • Museum of Leon
    • Located at Pl. de Santo Domingo, Leon.
    • This is an Archeological Museum containing Artefacts from all periods of history, including Roman artefacts.

Roman Roads

Nearby Sites

Walls of Leon, near Leon Cathedral

30 BCE
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