Libraries of the Ancient World

  • One of the oldest Libraries of the Ancient World was the Library of Mari in Syria (1800-1750 BCE) with 15,000 clay tablets written in Akkadian script.
  • The Great Library of Alexandria was the Mediterranean academic centre of Learning from its foundation in c.300 BCE until the end of the Roman Empire in 476 CE.

Greek Libraries

  1. Great Library of Alexandria
    • It had 400,000 Works. (c.300 BCE – 391 CE)
    • At its foundation, it incorporated the much older Ancient Egyptian Library from the Great Temple of Ra-Atum at Heliopolis.
  2. Great Library of Pergamum
  3. Library of Appellicon of Teos
    • It held part of the Library of Aristotle. (Taken to Rome by Sulla in 68 BCE)
  4. Library of Mithridates VI of Pontus, King of Pontus (120-63 BCE)
    • Taken to Rome in 63 BCE by the Roman General Lucius Lucullus.
  5. Library of Celsus
    • Located in Ephesus (117-135 CE) it had 12,000 Works.
  6. Imperial Library of King Perseus of Macedon
    • Its contents were taken to Rome in 168 BCE.

Roman Libraries

Other Ancient Libraries beyond the Roman Empire

  •  Library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh (c. 650 BCE)
  • Library of Ugarit in Syria (1200 BCE)
    • It held texts in Ugaritic (similar language to Phoenician), Hurrian, Akkadian and Sumerian.
  • Library of Mari in Syria, (1800-1750 BCE)
    • It held 15,000 clay tablets in Akkadian script.
    • All texts refer to the period between 1800-1750 BCE.
  • Han Dynasty Imperial Library (206 BCE-220 CE) at Luoyang.
    • Liu Xiang (77-6 BCE) was a librarian who compiled a catalogue of the Han Imperial Library known as the Extracts. He also edited several major Works.
    • The Works are divided into two periods:
    • Pre- 221 BCE:
    • Post- 206 BCE:
      • Records of the Grand Historian by Sima Qian, Book of Han by Ban Gu, Shan Hai Jing, and others (after the burning of the Imperial Library in 213 BCE).
  • Library of Taxila or Takshashila in N. Pakistan, (5th century BCE to 5th century CE)
    • Centre of Hindu and Buddhist learning.
    • It held the Vedas, the Eighteen Arts, a Law School, a Medical School and a School of Military Science.
    • Taxila was located near modern Islamabad
    • It was on the Grand Trunk Road which extended 1,615 miles (2,600km), from the mouth of the Ganges to the Khyber Pass.
    • The Emperor Chandragupta Maurya (321-297 BCE) was educated at Taxila and went on to found the Mauryan Empire.
  • Library of Ctesiphon in Persia.

Other Libraries

Modern Great Libraries

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