Libraries of Ancient Rome

  • Roman Libraries had books in both Latin and Greek. There were seven Public Libraries in Rome, as well as various Private Libraries.
  • Throughout the Roman Period, the Great Library of Alexandria continued to exist as an academic centre of learning.

Seven Libraries of Rome

Reading Rooms

  • Each had two Reading Rooms, one for books in Latin and one for books in Greek.

Chief Librarians

Types of Books

The Works held in the Libraries were written in either of two forms:

  • Scroll
    • A Scroll was wrapped up in a cylinder. The cylinders would be placed on rows of shelves divided into cubicles.
  • Codex
    • A Codex was a book. These books could be stacked on shelves like books in a modern library.

Other Books used in Private Houses:

  1. Wax Tablets
    1. The Wax Tablet: The Codex was derived from the wooden writing tablets covered in wax. After reading the tablet, the wax was smoothed over, and new writing could be written onto the wax.
  2. Pugillares membrane
    1. ‘Pugillares membrane’: this was a folded parchment notebook mentioned by Martial. They were used as personal notebooks and as letters to send to one another.
  3. Palimpsest
    1. ‘Palimpsest’: meaning ‘scraped’, was the practice of scraping or washing the writing off the parchment and using it again.

Other Libraries

Modern Great Libraries

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