Limes Transalutanus

  • The Limes Transalutanus was a series of defensive works in Roumania, Dacia, which ran parallel to the Olt river, designed to prevent attacks from the Teleorman Forest.
  • It was 146 miles (235km) long and was built on the eastern side of the river Olt.


  • The Works were begun in 107 CE under the Quintus Marcius Turbo later Prefect of the Praetorian Guard under Hadrian (117-138 CE).
  • The defenses consisted of a Road, main Fortress and a stone Vallum 32-38 ft (10-12m) wide with a wooden palisade on top, and the vallum was protected by a ditch.
  • Between 120-126 CE, further construction was undertaken.
  • Under Septimius Severus (193-211 CE) the Limes were completed.
  • The Limes now farm part of a modern railway line.



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