List of Byzantine Dynasties

  • The Byzantine Emperors ruled the Eastern Roman Empire known as the Byzantine Empire between 330-1453 CE.
  • The capital was at Constantinople (Istanbul).

The Dynasties

  1. Constantine Dynasty (306-363 CE)
  2. Non-dynastic (363-364 CE)
  3. Valentinian Dynasty (364-379 CE)
  4. Theodosian Dynasty (379-457 CE)
  5. Leonid Dynasty (457-518 CE)
  6. Justinian Dynasty (518-602 CE)
  7. Non-dynastic (602-610 CE)
  8. Heraclian Dynasty (610-695 CE)
  9. Twenty Years Anarchy (695-717 CE)
  10. Isaurian Dynasty (717-802 CE)
  11. Nikephorian Dynasty (802-813 CE)
  12. Non-dynastic (813-820 CE)
  13. Amorian Dynasty (820-867 CE)
  14. Macedonian Dynasty (867-1056 CE)
  15. Non-dynastic (1056-1057 CE)
  16. Komnenid Dynasty (1057-1959 CE)
  17. Doukid Dynasty (1059-1081 CE)
  18. Komnenid Dynasty (1081-1185 CE)
  19. Angelid Dynasty (1185-1204 CE)
  20. Laskarid Dynasty (Empire of Nicaea  1204-1261 CE)
  21. Palaiologan Dynasty (1251-1453 CE)


Constantinople (Istanbul)

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