Lower Egypt

  • Ancient Egypt had two Divisions, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.
  • Lower Egypt consisted of the Nile Delta a flat and featureless land. Upper Egypt was the rocky canyon, consisting of two narrow strips of land on either side of the Nile.


  • The emblem of Lower Egypt was a Bee and the emblem of Upper Egypt was a Lotus Flower.
  • Ancient Egypt was originally two different Kingdoms with different dialects and customs, which were eventually united together by the Pharaohs, around 3,100 BCE.
  • Each Division was then subdivided into Nomes based on City States. This system had remained virtually unchanged for 3,000 years until the Reforms of Diocletian in 307-8 CE, when they were subdivided into smaller units called Pagi.

Upper Egypt

Fort Babylon

  • Located near Cairo was built on 30° N, and commanded the Border between Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt. It was the collection point for Tolls paid on the Nile in either direction. (The area between Cairo and the Qena Bend is sometimes known as Middle Egypt, although technically it is a part of Upper Egypt.)

The 20 Nomes of Lower Egypt

  • Lower Egypt had 20 Nomes with Memphis, (near Cairo) as Nome number 1:
    1. Memphis
    2. Letopolis
    3. Apis
    4. Ptkheka
    5. Sais
    6. Xois
    7. Hermopolis Parva
    8. Pithom
    9. Busiris
    10. Athribis
    11. Leontopolis
    12. Sebennytos
    13. Heliopolis
    14. Tanis
    15. Hermopolis Parva
    16. Mendes
    17. Diospolis Inferior
    18. Bubastis
    19. Leontopolis Tanis
    20. Per-Sopdu


Fort Babylon

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