Lugdunum: Gallo Roman Museum of Lyon

  • |The Gallo Roman Museum in Lyon, France, is located at 17 Rue Cleberg, Lyon, France and is built beside a rare set of Roman Paired Theatres that overlook the city.
  • The Museum holds a collection of artefacts from the Roman period.

Monuments and Artefacts

  • The Roman Paired Theatres
    • The Roman Theatre of Fourviere had 10,000 seats.
    • Also discovered here was a rare pulley mechanism for raising the curtain from below.
    • The Roman Odeon had 3,000 seats, for Music and Poetry readings.
    • It was very unusual to have Paired Theatres. The only other Paired Theatres in Gaul were at Vienne, of which only one now remains in existence.
  • Lyon Tablet
    • A bronze tablet recording the Emperor Claudius‘ speech recommending Noble Gauls be permitted to enter the Roman Senate.
  • Coligny Calendar
    • The Coligny Calendar is a Lunisolar Calendar engraved in the Gaulish language on a Bronze Tablet, dating to the end of the second century CE.


Lugdunum Musuem

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