
  • Lugo is a city in the Autonomous Region of Galicia in northwestern Spain. It is noted for its intact circuit of Roman Walls with 71 Towers and 10 Gates. It is a Unesco World Heritage Site.
  • It was founded by the Romans as Lucus Augusti in 13 BCE and was in the Province of Hispania Tarraconensis.

Roman Sites

  • City Walls
    • Lugo is the only city to still have its circuit of Roman Walls intact. The walls are up to 49 feet (15m) high in places.
  • Roman Bridge
    • over the river Minho.


  • Provincial Museum of Lugo
    • The museum holds the Archeology and Finds from the Roman period.
  • Interactive Museum of the History of Lugo
    • The museum uses images and films to display the history of Lugo.

Roman Roads


Roman Walls of Lugo

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