
  • The Maghreb is the area traditionally referred to as the area of northwest Africa, from the Atlas Mountains of Morocco to the eastern borders of Libya.
  • It included modern Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya, but not Egypt. During the 16th-19th century CE, the Maghreb was known as the Barbary Coast or Berber Coast.


  • Carthage
    • 814-146 BCE:
      • the area came under the control of the city state of Carthage.
  • Roman Empire
  • Vandal Kingdom
    • 435-534 CE:
      • The Vandal Kingdom ruled the Maghreb after the Vandal Invasions of 428-439 CE.
  • Byzantine Empire
    • 534-709 CE:
      • The Exarchate of Carthage: The Maghreb was ruled as part of the Byzantine Empire.
  • Islamic Caliphates
    • 709-1830 CE:
      • The Maghreb formed part of various Islamic Caliphates, before becoming part of the Ottoman Empire.
  • Kingdom of Morocco
    • 789-1912 CE:
      • Morocco remained an independent Kingdom, and was not ruled by the Ottoman Empire.
  • French Empire
    • 1830-1956 CE:
      • The French Empire ruled Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco between 1912 – 1956 CE.
  • Independence
    • 1951 CE: Libya became independent.
    • 1956 CE: Morocco and Tunisia became independent.
    • 1962: Algeria became independent.
    • 1989: The Arab Maghreb Union was established by Muammar Ghaddafi of Libya, based on these four countries, which now includes Mauretania and the Western Sahara.


The Maghreb, Africa

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