Magister Equitum

  • The Magister Equitum, meaning ‘Master of the Horse’, was a senior army Commander of the Late Roman Empire, answering directly to a Dictator when elected.
  • The position was created in 494 BCE and the first Magister Equitum was Spurius Cassius Viscellinus, but was abolished by Mark Anthony during his Consulship in 44 BCE.


  • The Office was recreated by Constantine I (324-337 CE), taking away the military function from the Praefectus Praetorio and dividing it initially between the Magister Equitum and the Magister Peditum (Master of Soldiers).
  • Under later Emperors in the Western Roman Empire, the position was consolidated under one individual, the Magister Militum.
  • The position was then held by Stilicho (359-408 CE), Flavius Aetius (391-454 CE) and Ricimer (405-472CE).
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