Maltese Honey Bee

  • The Maltese Honey Bee is a sub species of the Western Honey Bee that inhabits the island of Malta.
  • When Malta was cut off from the mainland it adapted to the Maltese environment of Hot and Dry Summers and mild Winters.


  • It is mostly black in colour.
  • It is an aggressive Bee which defends itself effectively against Wasps and other predators, including Beekeepers.
  • Colonies swarm in the Spring.

Maltese Honey

  • The Honey from Melita (Greek) or Melite (Roman) was famous throughout the Ancient World.
  • Bees can travel up to 5 miles (8km) from their hive and visit up to 200 flowers when gathering nectar.
  • Malta has over 1,000 different species of wild flowers.
  • Wild Thyme, Citrus and Carob fruit trees provide the largest honey content and influences the taste, but hundreds of other flowers such as White Clover, Bitumen Clover, White Mustard, Borage and Stone Fruit Trees all help to give Maltese honey its unique and distinctive flavour.
  • The honey also depends on the Season and which plants are in flower during the Spring, Summer or Autumn.

Malta Roman Beehives


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