Mamertine Prison

  • The Mamertine Prison, also known as the Tullianum, was located adjacent to the Roman Law Courts in the Forum Romanum in Rome.
  • Prisoners of high standing were held here temporarily prior to their Trial, and if condemned to execution within the Mamertine Prison, it would be done by strangulation.

The Site Today

  • Today the Mamertine Prison lies under the two Churches of S. Guiseppe dei Falegnami (above) and S. Pietro in Carcere (below) which can be visited.

Notable Prisoners

  1. Jugurtha, King of Numidia in 104 BCE.
  2. Five of the conspirators of the Catiline Conspiracy were executed by strangulation here in December 63 BCE.
  3. Vercingetorix, Leader of the Gauls was captured in 52 BCE and spent 5 years in the Prison before being executed in 46 BCE.
  4. Sejanus was executed and his body thrown down the Gemonian Stairs in 31 CE.
  5. An Inscription in the Church records that St. Peter and St. Paul were prisoners here in 57 CE.


  • Adjacent to the Tulliarum were the Lautumiae, ex tufa quarries, which were used as dungeons for ordinary prisoners such as Slaves. Nearby were the Places of Execution.

Places of Execution

  1. Tarpeian Rock
    • This is a steep 80 ft (25m) cliff overlooking the Forum Romanum where executions took place for Murderers, Traitors and Perjurors and Slaves who had committed Theft. A shameful death was to be flung from the top of the cliff.
    • The rock was named after Tarpeia, the Vestal Virgin, who had betrayed Rome to the Sabines when they tried to recapture their abducted women. Her body was the first to be thrown off the cliff.
  2. Gemonian Stairs:
    • Located at the top of the Capitoline Hill leading down to the Forum Romanum. After execution usually by strangulation, the Body was bound and then thrown down the Gemonian Stairs and left to rot in full view of the Forum, for a long period. This happened to Sejanus. It was considered a very shameful and dishonourable death. The rotting bodies were eaten away by scavenging dogs and then eventually thrown into the River Tiber.


Mamertine Prison, Rome

104 BCE
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