
  • Manetho was the Chief Priest and Historian at the Temple of Ra-Atum in Heliopolis, Egypt. He was an Egyptian, but he wrote in the Greek language.
  • His dates are unknown, but his works were written during the time of Ptolemy I (323-283 BCE) and Ptolemy II (285-246 BCE).


  • Aegyptiaca (The History of Egypt)
    • This was the history of the Egyptian Pharaohs in chronological order. He divided the Pharaohs into Dynasties.
    • Comparisons made with the recently uncovered King Lists of the ‘Old Kingdom Annals’ (2,500-2,200 BCE), and the New Kingdom King List at Karnak by Thutmose III (1479-1425 BCE), showed significant differences.
    • His transliteration of Names into Greek varies from recent discoveries.
    • However, his division of the Pharaohs into Dynasties is still adhered to.
  • The Three Volumes:
    • Volume I:
      • Lists the Gods of Ancient Egypt, followed by Dynasties I – XI.
    • Volume II:
      • List of Dynasties XII – XIX
    • Volume III:
      • List of Dynasties XX – XXX.


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