
  • Manumissio was an Act in Roman Law which released a Slave from his Master and made him a Roman Citizen and gave him the Right to Vote.
  • It was either done in the Master’s Will (Testamento) or the Slave could buy his Freedom after years of saving or after enriching himself.

Types of Manumissio

  • Three types of Manumissio existed under the Roman Republic:
    • Vindicta: the Master released the Slave before a Magistrate.
    • Censu: The Slaves were released by their Masters at the Lustral Census.
    • Testamento: Slaves were released by the masters in their Will, often making them his Heir.


  • The Slave Owner could either give the Slave his Freedom (Libertas), as happened to more elderly slaves after years of service. Often, Manumissio was done in the Master’s Will (Testamento). Or the Slave could buy his Freedom after years of saving or after enriching himself.
  • During the ceremony the Freed Slave would have his hair shaved and be given a felt hat called the Pileus which symbolised freedom to the Romans. Slaves were not allowed to wear the Pileus.


  • The Slave then became a Freedman and was called a Libertus, joining a Class called the Libertini.
  • The former owner became his Patron (Patronas) and owed him certain advantages, and the former Slave became his client (Cliens) and owed him certain Duties.


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