
  • Marcionism was an Early Christian belief system developed in c.144 CE by Marcion of Sinope (c.85-c.160 CE).
  • It was opposed by Trinitarianism, but continued to exist until the tenth century CE.


  • Marcion completely rejected the Old Testament and considered St. Paul to be the correct interpreter of the Teachings of Jesus and not the Twelve Apostles. Although not part of Gnosticism, there are similarities.
  • Tertullian (160-225 CE) denounced Marcion’s Teachings around 208 CE in a five book work called Adversus Marcionem (Against Marcion).
  • Marcionism continued in the Eastern Empire until at least the tenth century CE.
  • His Works are lost but can be seen in writings critical of Marcion by others such as Tertullian.


  • Marcion’s Canon was in two sections of 11 books:
    1. The Evangelicon, a Gospel which was a version of the Gospel of Luke.
    2. The Apostolikon, 10 Epistles of St. Paul.
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