Marcomannic Wars

  • The Marcomannic Wars were a series of Wars conducted between 168-180 CE by the Roman Legions against the Marcomanii, Quadi, and Germanic Tribes, during the reign of Marcus Aurelius.

The Reason for the Wars

  • The Germanic Tribes along both the Rhine and the Danube were possibly under pressure from The Great Migrations of the Goths into their territories.
  • The Roman Empire was at the peak of its wealth and represented an opportunity to plunder.
  • In addition, the Antonine Plague devastated Roman manpower between 165-180 CE, leading to a perception of weakness.

The First Wave of Germanic Invasions (162-167 CE)

Antonine Plague (165-180 CE)

Marcus Aurelius’ Response (168-169 CE)

The Great Germanic Invasion by the Marcomanni (170 CE)

  • In c. 170 CE, the Marcomanni under King Ballomar defeated 20,000 Roman Legionaries near Carnuntum, and destroyed Noricum.
  • He then invaded Italy, for the first time since the Cimbri and Teutones in 101 BCE, destroyed Opitergium (Oderzo) and besieged Aquileia, causing great concern on the streets of Rome.

Marcus Aurelius’ Response (171 CE)

  • Claudius Pompeianus was put in charge of opposing Ballomar. He first fortified all the Roads into Italy and increased the resources of the Classis Pannonica (Danubian Navy). He marched to Aquileia and relieved it, evicting the Marcomanni from Italy by 171 CE.
  • Meanwhile Peace Treaties were signed with the Quadi and Lazyges, whilst the Hasdingi Vandals and Lacringi became Allies of Rome.

First Marcomannic War (172-176 CE)

  • Then in 172 CE the Roman Legions crossed the Danube and defeated the Marcomanni, the Naristi and the Cotini.
  • Marcus Aurelius was given the Title ‘Germanicus’ and coins were inscribed with ‘Germania Capta’ (Germany subjugated)
  • 173 CE The Quadi were defeated.
  • 173 CE The Chatti and the Hermunduri invaded Germania Inferior and Germania Superior, but were defeated by the Rhine Legions.
  • 173 CE The Chauci attacked the coastline of Gallia Belgica.
  • 174 CE The Quadi were finally subjugated by Roman Legions. They were then conscripted into the Roman Army as Roman Auxiliaries, whilst fortresses were constructed throughout their country.
  • 175 CE The Lazyges wer also subjugated. They had to provide 8,000 Auxiliary Cavalry, most of whom went to Britannia.
  • Marcus Aurelius received the Title ‘Sarmaticus’
  • 175 CE When the Revolt of Avidius Cassius in Syria and Egypt broke out, Marcus Aurelius took his new German Auxiliaries east and suppressed the Rebellion.
  • 176 CE 23 Dec Marcus Aurelius celebrated a Roman Triumph in Rome after 8 years absence, for his ‘De Germanis’ and ‘De Sarmatis’ Titles, and erected the Marcus Aurelius Column.

Second Marcomannic War (177-182 CE)

  • 177 CE The Quadi rebelled.
  • 178 CE Marcus Aurelius quelled the Marcomanni using Carnuntum as his Base. The Quadi were then pursued and defeated at the Battle of Laugaricio (Slovakia)
  • 180 CE 17 March Commodus became Roman Emperor after Marcus Aurelius died. He negotiated Peace Treaties with the Marcomanni and Quadi and returned to Rome.
  • 180-182 CE The Lazyges, the Buri and a Dacian Tribe were all defeated in separate wars.
  • 182 CE Commodus received the Title ‘Germanicus Maximus’

The Outcome

  • The Marcomannic Wars re-defined the Rhine and Danube to become heavily fortified Frontier Zones.
  • The Wars were a taste of the future Germanic Invasions to come over the three succeeding centuries, which ultimately succeeded in collapsing the Western Roman Empire.




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