
  • Maryport is Port town on the Estuary of the river Ellen in the County of Cumbria.
  • It was a Roman Fort called Alauna Carvetiorum, which guarded the Western Approaches by sea to Hadrian's Wall. It overlooked a natural harbour on the River Ellen which meant the Fort could be supplied by sea and may have had naval role.


  • The fort stands on top of a cliff 131 feet (40m) high. On a clear day, it has views over the Solway Firth towards Scotland, 10 miles (16km) away, and towards the Isle of Man, 45 miles (72km) away.
  • The fort was built in 122 CE at the same time as Hadrian's Wall, by vexillations from the Legio II Augusta and the Legio XX Valeria Victrix.
  • Maryport was first occupied by an Auxiliary Unit of 500 Infantry and Cavalry called the ‘Cohors I Hispanorum Equitata’ from Spain.
  • It formed part of the western extension of Hadrian's Wall, which consisted of a line of coastal watchtowers and fortlets stretching around the Cumbrian Coast.

Roman Sites

  • .The outline of the Roman Fort


  • Senhouse Roman Museum
    • Located in one corner of the fort, the Museum holds a unique collection of Roman Altars and other Finds from the fort.

Nearby Sites


Senhouse Roman Museum, Maryport

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