Mas des Tourelles

Mas des Tourelles Roman Vineyard
  • Mas des Tourelles (Mas means farmhouse) is a vineyard near Beaucaire in France which is built on the site of a Roman villa and vineyard.
  • The winery holds a reconstruction of a Roman vineyard and winery which can be visited. It produces three types of Ancient Roman style wines.

Roman wines made at Mas des Tourelles

  • Mulsum
    • A blend of wine and honey infused with spices such as pepper and cinnamon.
  • Turriculae
    • A dry Roman wine infused with iris, fenugreek and seawater, from a recipe by Columella.
  • Carenum
    • This wine is made by picking very mature grapes late in the harvest and adding a concentrated grape juice made with quinces called defrutum, from a recipe by Palladius.

Roman vineyard and wine cellar

  • The vineyard is entered via a Roman garden which proceeds to a reconstruction of a Roman vineyard with vines running along trellises, pergolas and up olive trees.
  • A path leads to the archaeological remains of a Roman pottery for making Amphorae and the kilns to fire the pottery.
  • A Roman wine cellar has been recreated with a giant wooden press, baskets and amphorae.
  • Films explain how Roman Wine was made.



Photo and map: Mas des Tourelles, Beaucaire

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