
  • Milan is a cathedral city located on the Naviglio canal waterway system that connects to in the Lombardy Region of northern Italy. It is the home of the Italian Stock Exchange and one of the Fashion Capitals of the world.
  • It was known to the Romans as Mediolanum and was located in Italia.


  • The Romans took control of Milan from the Insubres in 222 BCE.
  • In 259 CE, the Alemanni were defeated by the Roman Emperor Gallienus (253-268 CE) at the Battle of Milan.
  • In 260 CE, Gallienus created a Cavalry Regiment based in Milan, the Comitatenses, who formed a separate unit to the Legions, and were able to move to any Frontier or Region at short notice. They were a highly mobile unit, able to move in just a few days, to stop either a Germanic incursion or to suppress a Rebellion.
  • In 286 CE Diocletian moved the capital from Rome to Milan, where he placed the Emperor of the West, Maximian (285-308 CE).
  • In 313 CE, Constantine I issued the Edict of Milan, where the Roman State recognised Christianity.
  • In 402 CE, the Visigoths laid siege to the city, and the Western Emperors moved the capital again from Milan to Ravenna. In 452 CE, Milan was sacked by Attila the Hun. It was sacked again by the Ostrogoths in 539 CE.

Roman Sites

  • Roman Amphitheatre Park and Antiquarium Alda Levi
    • Via E. De Amicis, 17, Milan
    • The Antiquarium is a museum which explains the history of the Amphitheatre, now only a park, which once could hold 35,000 spectators.


  • Archeological Museum of Milan
    • Located at Corso Magenta, 15-20123, Milan
    • The museum has a section describing the history of Mediolanum. Roman Statues and Tombs are displayed along the cloisters.

Roman Roads



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