Minoan Civilisation

  • The Minoan Civilisation was an advanced Bronze Age Civilisation that existed on Crete, between c.2700-c.1500 BCE. Knossos was the largest city and palace on the island.
  • The expression ‘Minoan’ was coined by Arthur Evans from the Greek Mythical King Minos, whose Labyrinth Evans believed to have found within the Palace of Knossos.


  • There were 90 cities on Crete.
  • Crete controlled the Cyclades in Antiquity, and the Minoans have left artifacts proving they traded in the Eastern Mediterranean with Ancient Egypt, Anatolia, the Levant, Cyprus and Mesopotamia. In the Western Mediterranean they traded as far as Spain.
  • The Trade consisted of Tin and Copper from Cyprus, which went to make their Bronze tools and weapons. Later they turned to Iron.

Mycenaean Script: Linear A and Linear B

  • The Mycenaean inscriptions were classified into two written scripts, Linear A and Linear B, by the British Archeologist Arhur J. Evans.
    • Linear A remains undeciphered.
    • Linear B was deciphhered between 1951-53 CE by Michael Ventris and John Chadwick.


Knossos, Crete

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