
  • Misenum, known today as Miseno, part of the commune of Bacoli and Naples in Italy, was a Roman town that developed next to the Roman Naval Base created by Augustus (27 BCE- 14 CE).
  • The Naval Base, known as Portus Julius, was established in 27 BCE by Agrippa as the harbour of the Classis Misenensis (the Fleet of Misenum).

Portus Julius

  • This was the Home Port of the Classis Misenensis, the Major Roman Naval Fleet in the Western Mediterranean..
  • It was located in an inland lake, with an entrance into the Bay of Naples.

Classis Misenensis

  • The Naval Base expanded to 250 vessels, of which at least 50 were Triremes, with 10,000 sailors based there.
  • In the east, Ravenna became the secondary Base.

Roman Sites




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