Mont Cenis Pass

  • The Mont Cenis Pass is one of the highest mountain passes in the Alps and has an Altitude of 6,834 ft (2,083m).
  • The Pass connects Susa and Turin in Italy, with Grenoble (Cularo) and Chambery in France.


  • The Pass was situated in the Roman Province of Alpes Cottiae.
  • It was the route used by Constantine I to invade Italia from Gaul in 312 CE.
  • More recently in 1794, Napoleon Bonaparte used the Mont Cenis Pass to invade Italy. Napoleon built a road in 1806 and the route is now part of the Route Nationale 6.
  • In 1868, the Mont Cenis Pass Rail tunnel was opened, but closed in 1871 when it was replaced by the Frejus Rail tunnel.

Other Passes in Alpes Cottiae

  • Mont Genevre Pass
    • This was officially opened in 77 BCE.
    • It carried the Via Domitia from Gaul into Italia.
    • It was kept open for longer than other Passes as it was lower and therefore possibly the likely route taken by Hannibal in 218 BCE.
  • Maddalena Pass was in Alpes Maritimae which separated the Cottian Alps from the Maritime Alps
  • Little Mont Cenis Pass, and several others.


Mont Cenis Pass, France

14 BCE
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