Mount Kilimanjaro

  • Mount Kilimanjaro is a stratovolcano rising above the flat plains below located in Northeastern Tanzania. It is Africa’s highest Mountain and the world’s highest freestanding mountain.
  • Its Peak is Mount Kibo, altitude 19,341 feet (5,895m), which is snow capped all year round and is a conical volcano created by multiple layers of lava, after many eruptions and coolings.

Mountains of the Moon

  • Ptolemy's map (c.150 CE) showed the Source of the Nile and the Mountains of the Moon.

Marinus of Tyre (c114 CE)

    • He recorded that during the first century CE, a Greek Merchant called Diogenes, returning from India, landed near Rhapta on the east coast of Africa. After travelling inland for 25 days, he arrived at two great lakes and the snow covered Mountains of the Moon, and described it as the source of the Nile.

Ptolemy the Roman Cartographer (c. 150 CE)

    • He then placed the source of the Nile next to the two great lakes in Africa, on his map of the world, and referred to the nearby mountain range as the Mountains of the Moon, ‘Lunae Montes’.
    • These are probably the Ruwenzori Mountains, which are covered in snow all year round, but may also refer to Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.


Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

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