Musaeum of Alexandria

  • The Museaeum of Alexandria was a complex attached to the Great Library of Alexandria (3rd century BCE-391 CE).
  • It functioned like a modern Science University and was an Institution which gathered the top scientific Scholars of the Greek speaking World.


  • The Musaeum was established by Ptolemy I Soter, Ruler of Egypt between 323-283 BCE.
  • Over 1,000 Scholars lived and worked in the Musaeum at any given period.
  • Both Staff and Scholars received a salary which was Tax free, along with free accommodation, meals and servants.

Notable scholars

Under the Roman Empire

  • Strabo describes the Musaeum as having a communal dining hall for use by all the scholars, living quarters, private study rooms, lecture halls, theatres and gardens. A Priest was in charge of the Musaeum appointed by the Roman Emperor.
  • 216 CE the Musaeum was closed by Caracalla (198-217 CE), because it had been transferred to the Serapeum.


The new Bibliotheca Alxandrina, Alexandria

283 BCE
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