Myos Hormos

  • Myos Hormos was a Roman port located in the city of Old Quseir in Quseir al-Quadim, Egypt.
  • It is 5 miles north of the Port of Al-Qusayr on the Red Sea and was 111 miles (180 km) east of Coptos.


  • Myos Hormos was constructed as a Red Sea Port by the Ptolemy II (285-246 BCE), along with harbour of Berenice.
  • The Port traded Goods with Africa, India, China and the Far East.
  • It was north of the other Red Sea Port of Berenice, which also traded with the East.
  • Both Myos Hormos and Berenice ceased to be used by the fourth century CE, and were replaced by Clysma (Suez), which was connected to the Nile by Trajan's Canal.


  • Strabo states that during the reign of Augustus, up to 120 vessels were departing for India every year from Myos Hormos. It is possible these merchant vessels were organised into a Red Sea Fleet.
  • Strabo also mentions this being the Port of disembarcation for the failed Military Expedition returning from Arabia, organised under the Governor Aelius Gallus 26-24 BCE. However, this does not confirm the presence of a permanent Red Sea Naval Fleet.

Pliny's Description of the Route to India

  • Pliny describes the Caravan route to reach Myos Hormos, then he describes the journey to reach India by sea.

Roman Roads from the Nile to the Red Sea


  • Although the Monsoon did not reach Egypt, it affects the winds in the southern Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.
  • The Monsoon enabled ships to reach India. When it reversed direction, six months later, it brought the ships back with it.


Myos Hormos

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