
  • Myrrh is a natural gum extracted from the small and thorny Commiphora tree.
  • It was used as an ingredient in Roman Perfume, Incense and in Medicine.


  • The tree forms a resin that oozes through the part of the bark that is damaged.
  • It is harvested by deliberately forming breaks in the bark and collecting the oozing resin.
  • Myrrh trees originate in the Arabian Peninsular and in Ethiopia.

Incense Road

Queen Hatshepsut

  • Queen Hatsepshut, Pharaoh of Egypt (c.1479-1458 BCE), sent a fleet of 5 ships to the Land of Punt, which returned with Myrrh and Frankincense.
  • This expedition was recorded on the walls of Hatshepsut’s Temple at the Deir ei-Bahari complex of Mortuary Temples.
  • The Land of Punt has not been confirmed but was probably Somalia, where Myrrh and Frankincense were grown.

Roman Perfume

  • Roman Perfume was widely used by the Ancient Egyptians, the Ancient Greeks and across the Roman Empire.
  • Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, was associated with Perfume.
  • The Temples used large quantities of perfume as Incense and often had perfume workshops nearby.
  • The Romans used Perfumes in their Bathhouses.
  • Perfume was also worn by Royal Families, the Aristocracy and by Politicians.
  • Perfumes were used in Medicine.


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