
  • In Greek Mythology, Niobe was the daughter of Tantalus who ruled the city of Tantalis, and her mother was either Eurythemista (Euryanassa) or Dione.
  • She was married to Amphion, the son of Zeus and Antiope, and had fourteen children who were all slain. She is a tragic figure portrayed as the bereaved mother who weeps for her children.

The Myth

  • Because of her excessive Hubris, Naiobe couldn’t resist boasting about her fourteen children to the Goddess Leto, who only had two children.
  • Leto decided to punish Naiobe by sending Apollo to slay her seven sons, and Artemis to slay her seven daughters.
  • Heartbroken, Niobe returned to Mount Sipylus where she was turned to stone and continued brooding over her loss.

Mount Sipylus, Turkey

  • Mount Sipylus, known as Mount Spil or Spil Dagi, is a mountain above the city of Menissa in the Aegean Region of Turkey.
  • The mountain has a rock formation which uncannily resembles a female face and has been associated with Naiobe since Antiquity.
  • It is also known as the Weeping Rock’ as rainwater can pass through its porous layers.
  • Pausanias (c.110-180 CE) mentions it in his guidebook.


Mount Sipylus, Turkey

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