
  • Napata was the capital of the Kingdom of Kush between c.1000 and 591 BCE.
  • It was located at the Fourth Cataract on the Nile.


  • Napata was founded in the 15th century BCE by Thutmose III during the Egyptian conquest of the Region.
  • Napata was raided by the Persians in 591 BCE, and Napata was replaced by Meroe as the capital.

Pyramids of Napata

  • There are over 35 Pyramids, most built at Napata with some built at Nuri, others at Meroe.
  • They were designed as tombs for the Kings and Queens and other senior state officials. They were influenced by the Egyptian Pyramids but do not resemble them architecturally, being smaller and most having sides sloping at around 70°.
  • From 721-664 BCE, Kush ruled all of Ancient Egypt, and became the 25th Dynasty of Pharaohs, until they were repulsed by an Assyrian invasion in 664 BCE.
  • During the 25th Dynasty the Pyramids of Napata were constructed and all the Twenty-fifth Dynasty Pharaohs were buried under these Pyramids.



1000 BCE
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