Nero fiddled while Rome burned

  • This is a modern phrase, based on the view of Roman historians, who accused Nero of starting the Great Fire of Rome himself, in order to build his new Palace.


  • Dio Cassius
    • According to Dio Cassius, Nero sang ‘the Sack of Ilium’ in actor’s dress, whilst watching the Fire burn down Rome.
    • This has led to the popular expression today “Nero fiddled while Rome burned”.
      Nero succeeded in getting a confession from the Christians that they had started the Fire deliberately.
    • Nero ordered the Christians to be torn apart by dogs, others crucified and some burnt as human torches in his garden at night.
  • Tacitus
    • Tacitus however, contradicts Dio Cassius and states Nero was in Antium, not Rome.
    • He says Nero hastily returned to Rome to organise the relief effort, accommodating the homeless in his Palaces.

The Aftermath

  • Domus Aurea
    • Nero then built the Domus Aurea, (Golden Villa) an opulent Palace on the burnt out ruins of the houses that had been situated on the Palatine Hill in Rome.
  • Fire Regulations
    • Nero passed new fire regulations, to prevent such a disaster from recurring.
      • the Vigiles Urbani were provided with greater access to water.
      • new houses were to be built of brick.
      • shared walls between newly built properties was forbidden.
      • wide boulevards were created to create gaps to contain a future fire.
64 CE
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