
  • Neuss is a city located at the confluence of the rivers Rhine and Erft, on the west bank of the Rhine opposite Dusseldorf, in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany.
  • It was founded by Drusus the Elder in 16 BCE as a Roman Fort called Novaesium which developed into a Legionary Fortress located in the Roman Province of Germania Inferior.


  • Although the Fort has been excavated, no Remains are visible today.
  • The Fort is the location of the only known Valetudinarium or Roman Military Hospital.
  • In 69 CE the fort was destroyed during the Batavian Revolt but rebuilt afterwards and continued in use until 104 CE, after which, the Legions left the fort and it became a civilian town.
  • Roman Legions posted to Novaesium:
  • In 275 CE the town was destroyed by the Franks.
  • In the 350’s the town was destroyed again by the Alemanni.

Roman Sites

  • Reckenburg Roman Watchtower, Neuss
    • This is a modern reconstruction of a Roman Watchtower built near the buried remains of the original fort.


  • Clemens Sels Museum Neuss
    • Located at Am Obertor, Neuss.
    • The museum holds a Collection of Finds from the Roman Fortress of Novaesium including a Legionary Helmet, a seated statue of Jupiter, a stone sundial, a millstone, inscribed tombstones, glassware, Samian Ware and Tiles.
    • Other Finds from the Fortress are in the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn.

Roman Roads

  • A Roman Road
  • A Military Road
    • The road ran along the west bank of the Rhine and connected the forts along the Limes Germanicus.


Reckenberg Roman Watchtower, Neuss

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