Nine Lyric Poets

  • The Nine Lyric Poets were a group of canonical Greek Poets who wrote between the fifth and seventh century BCE.
  • They were considered by the Greek Alexandrian Scholars to be founders of the Lyrical Poem which was sung.

Lyrical Poem

  • The Lyrical Poem was a formal style of poetry, usually sung, where personal feelings were expressed in the first person.

The Nine Lyric Poets

  1. Pindar (c.522-443 BCE)
  2. Sappho (c.630-570 BCE)
    • Ode to Aphrodite
  3. Alcman of Sparta (7th century BCE)
  4. Alcaeus of Mytilene (c. 600 BCE)
  5. Anacreon of Teos (6th century BCE)
  6. Stesichorus of Metauros (7th century BCE)
  7. Ibycus of Rhegium (6th century BCE)
  8. Simonides of Ceos (6th century BCE)
  9. Bacchylides of Ceos (5th century BCE)
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