
  • Ancient Egypt was organised into 42 Divisions or Nomes and ruled originally by a king.
  • Egypt was then grouped into two halves, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt.

Lower Egypt

  • Lower Egypt included the Nile Delta, and had 20 Nomes or Divisions which were numbered 1 to 20 from south to north in each area. Memphis was Nome number 1.
    1. Memphis, near Cairo
    2. Letopolis
    3. Apis
    4. Ptkheka
    5. Sais
    6. Xois
    7. Hermopolis Parva
    8. Pithom
    9. Busiris
    10. Athribis
    11. Leontopolis
    12. Sebennytos
    13. Heliopolis
    14. Tanis
    15. Hermopolis Parva
    16. Mendes
    17. Diospolis Inferior
    18. Bubastis
    19. Leontopolis Tanis
    20. Per-Sopdu

Upper Egypt

  • Upper Egypt started at Elephantine Island near the Cataracts of the Nile, and had 22 Nomes or Divisions numbered 1 to 22, with Elephantine as Nome number 1.
    1. Elephantine near Aswan
    2. Apollonopolis Magna
    3. Hierakonpolis
    4. Thebes
    5. Coptos
    6. Tentyra
    7. Diospolis Parva
    8. Abydos
    9. Panopolis
    10. Aphroditopolis
    11. Hypselis
    12. Antaeopolis
    13. Lycopolis
    14. Cusaeh
    15. Hermopolis Magna
    16. Hebenu
    17. Cynopolis
    18. Alabastronopolis
    19. Oxyrhynchus
    20. Herakleopolis Magna
    21. Crocodilopolis, Capital of the Fayum.
    22. Aphroditopolis



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