
  • Nyon is a town on the shores of Lake Geneva, 16 miles (25km) northeast of Geneva, and is in the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland.
  • It was founded by the Romans between 50-44 BCE and known as Colonia Julia Equestris or Colonia Equestris Noiodunum or simply Noviodunum (in Switzerland). It was in the Province of Germania Superior.


  • Noviodunum in Switzerland is not be confused with the Fort and Port of Noviodunum on the lower Danube located 1 mile (2km) east of Isaccea in modern Roumania.
  • Nyon was possibly established by Julius Caesar, the city became an important centre with a Forum with Colonnades, a Cryptoporticus, a two storey Basilica and an Amphitheatre.
  • It was possibly a regional centre for the Sequani Gallic Tribe, although they had their capital at nearby Besancon.
  • Because it had no walls, it was almost destroyed by an invasion of the Alemanni in c. 259 CE.
  • The regional centre was then moved to Geneva, but Noviodunum remained occupied until c.400 CE.

The Roman Sites

  • Three Columns from the Forum
    • Standing in the Esplanade des Maronniers.
  • The Foundations of the Basilica
    • Located inside Nyon Roman Museum.
  • Nyon Roman Amphitheatre
    • There is little to see, as the Ruins have been boarded up due to their poor condition and have not been restored.


  • Nyon Roman Museum
    • Located inside the foundations of the Roman Basilica
    • The museum holds Roman artefacts from the excavated site and there is also a model of the Roman Forum.

Roman Roads


Nyon Roman Museum

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