Officers of the Roman Navy

  • The Roman Navy Officers were from the Equestrian class. The position formed part of their career ladder.
  • Classis meant Fleet in Latin and referred to the Roman Navy.


Officers on Board a Roman Trireme

Commissioned Officers (6)

  1. Navarch: (Captain)
    • Navarchus Archiguberes or Navarchus Princeps was the Captain of the vessel and crew when not in action.
  2. Centurion:
    • He was in charge of the vessel during battle, during which he gave the Navarch orders. When not in battle he was in charge of the ‘milites’ or marines.
  3. Nautae or Gubernator:
    • The Helmsman or ship’s pilot in charge of the twin side mounted ship’s rudders. (There was no rear rudder)
  4. Beneficiarus or Grammateus
    • Legionary tribune (an equestrian) number 2 to the Captain.
  5. Celeusta:
    • Officer in charge of the rowers.
  6. Proretes:
    • The Bowsman worked as the lookout in the bows of the vessel, checking water depth, ship speed, and relaying the information back to the Helmsman.

Non Commissioned Officers (9)

  1. Optio Centurion:
    • He was the junior centurion, and would carry out the centurion’s orders. If the centurion was killed in battle, he took command of the vessel.
  2. Beneficiares Classis:
    • The equivalent of Quartermaster, supervising the vessel’s stores, weapons, vessel maintenance and crew pay.
  3. Latros:
    • The ship’s Doctor or Medicus.
  4. Custos Armorum:
    • The ship’s Armourer, supervising the Ballista (Catapult) and the Marines weapons and armour.
  5. Fabri:
    • He was the ship’s carpenter.
  6. The Oiler:
    • Responsible for applying olive oil to the rowers.
  7. The Oar Thong man:
    • Responsible for replacing broken oar thongs.
  8. Pitulius or Auletes:
    • Responsible for maintaining the rhythm of the ships’s oars by beating a drum or playing a pipe.
  9. Signifer:
    • The signals officer.

Ratings and Marines

  1. Cohors Classica or Milites Classiarius:
    • Marines.
  2. Remiges (Rowers)
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