Old Sarum

  • Old Sarum is a double walled Iron Age Fortress built around 500 BCE although the site has been occupied since 3,000 BCE.
  • It is located next to the River Avon, 2 miles (3km) north of Salisbury in Wiltshire.


  • The Romans built a Hill Fort here called Sorviodunum on a crossroads of two Roman roads.
  • In 1086 CE William the Conqueror invited all the Chieftains and Nobles to come to Old Sarum and recognise him as the new King of England.
  • The first Salisbury Cathedral was completed on this site in 1092 BCE, followed by a Royal Palace and a small town.
  • In 1220 CE the Cathedral and town were moved down to the Banks of the River Avon.
  • Salisbury Cathedral holds a model of medieval Old Sarum showing the town and cathedral inside the walls.
  • ‘Rotten Borough’: Until the 1832 Reform Act, Old Sarum was a ‘Rotten Borough’ that continued to have Parliamentary Representation even though nobody lived there.

Roman Roads

  • Portway
    • London-Silchester-Old Sarum- Dorchester
  • Roman Road
    • Old Sarum-Poole
  • Iter XV
  • Iter XII
    • For some reason part of Iter XV is repeated in this Iter XII.

Nearby Monuments


Old Sarum, Wiltshire

3000 BCE
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